For Version 2 Test tube setups.

Fill to the required line. The test tube holder is made to stand up when filling. You can choose to use as a queen starter or a liquid feeder.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Setting Up a Test Tube Chamber for Ants

Fill the Test Tube with Water:

  • Fill the test tube to the lower line with water to create a suitable environment for the ants

Prepare the Cotton Ball:

  • Insert the cotton ball down enough to remove air from the water side to prevent water from passing the cotton ball

Dab Up Remaining Water Drops:

  • Dab up any remaining water drops in the new founding chamber to ensure a dry environment. A rolled up paper towel works great.

Install the Chamber Divider:

  • Install the chamber divider with the pull tab facing outward and use the feeding trough to push it into the final position.

Add the Queen Ant:

  • Add the captured queen ant to the chamber and carefully plug the end with the venting plug

Adjust the Chamber Divider as Needed:

  • You can change the placement of the chamber divider as needed for the specific requirements of the ants' habitat.

These steps will help create a suitable environment for the ants in the test tube chamber. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, feel free to ask!